It's that time of year everyone. It's time for the CUE 2016 National Conference. Whether you're new to the edtech world, or this isn't your first rodeo I've got a few tips to hopefully make your conference experience more enjoyable.
- Make sure you bring a reliable computer with a charger. You can bring a tablet but most sessions work best if you have a computer.
- Make sure you're comfortable with the device. You don't want to try and learn how to use a Chromebook and a learn about Project Based Learning at the same time.
- Check out CUE's blog about Social Media and More.
- Plan ahead by looking at the conference schedule, and mark sessions you're interested in.
- Don't be afraid to ask “Is this session Chromebook (Mac, PC) friendly?” before the presenter starts. You don't want to get stuck in a session you can't use.
- Speaking of sessions, don't be afraid to get up and leave during a session. Presenters and other attendees won't be offended. Everyone understands you're there to get what you need and no one wants to keep you from that.
- There are multiple venues this year, so keep the location of sessions in mind when you're creating your schedule.
- Don't forget connect with people at the conference, have your Twitter handle or other social media accounts ready to share.
- Be aware, you may need to sit on the floor for a session. So if you like kilts, skirts and dresses make sure you plan ahead. Also, no one will judge you for wearing tennis shoes. You will walk a lot, wear the most comfortable shoes you own!
- Feeling overwhelmed? Don't forget to take a break for food, water, and a little relaxation.
- Speaking of food and water, bring some with you! The lines can get a little crazy sometimes.
- Traveling with friends? Divide and conquer sessions and share notes via Google Docs. It's like being everywhere at once.
- Speaking of that, take good notes and always include the speaker's contact information. CUE presenters love to keep in touch.
- Take lots of photos. It's easier to snap photos of presenter slides then to copy it all down.
- Make sure you take the time to reflect on your learning. A great way to do this is via a collaborative Google Slide deck, and if you need some inspiration take a look at a deck +Cynthia Nixon and I made together.
- Take a stroll through the exhibit hall, but don't fall in love with every product. You never know what your IT director will and won't buy.
- When it comes to parking, it can be a bit crazy. There are some free spaces and some paid parking lots. I used Uber for the first time at the conference and it was a breeze. If you're interested you can use the promo code, aobqt to get $15 off your first Uber ride. Click here to learn more.
- Don't forget your badge while at the conference, but it's ok to stow it when you're enjoying the city of Palm Springs.
I know it's cliche, but seriously have fun. CUE is a great place to learn, connect and grow, so enjoy the ride. Also, if you feel like you're drinking from a firehose, that's ok. Remember, everyone is at the event to ultimately help students and are willing to help you too.
Image credit © 2010 |
Bonus Tip! Go to your local
CUE affiliate meeting! Don't know which affiliate you're in,
check the map. The best way to keep the learning going after the conference is to connect with your local affiliate!
This year, my affiliate
IACUE is hosting the Call to Adventure, because we want to help you on your educational technology hero's journey. Plus we'll have food and fabulous prizes!
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