I've tried and failed at hosting a blog at least three times now. My first blog was a travel journal during my study abroad trip to England. I wrote recaps of my day for my family. While there, I didn’t have a phone so I opted to blog instead of email. I thought it would be fun, but it wasn’t. This attempt failed because I wasn't writing what I wanted.
My next blog was an ad hoc class website back in the days before Google Classroom. This failed because I tried to do too much too soon. I wanted everything to be perfect, especially since students were looking at it. The desire for perfection was my own downfall and something I've been trying to let go of, although I still cringe every time I post a tweet and something is spelled wrong.
The last and most successful blog was a Tumblr blog that is best described as a stream of consciousness. For about six months, I enjoyed writing it and there are a couple of posts I’m really proud of but as my life got more complicated, my inspiration to write fizzled out. Sometimes I want to pick this blog back up and start again, but then I freeze because I don’t know what to write.
So here we are again, writing blog post number one. I’ve tossed the idea around of starting an EdTech blog for some time now and to be honest if it wasn’t for #CE15 I probably wouldn’t be doing this. There are so many people out there blogging about EdTech I’m not sure if I have anything new to add to the conversation, but we’ll see. Lucky for me, I have an amazing Twitter PLN to support me in this revisited venture. The #TOSAChat network is a great group of Instructional Coaches/ Teachers on Special Assignment that are kind and encouraging. Special thanks to +Geri Coats my TOSA Chat #CE15 blogging partner, for helping me with this post.
Speaking of #TOSAChat, tonight I’ll be their first guest moderator at 8pm PST, as we discuss #BlendedLearning.

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