I've seen the 60 Minutes piece shared quite a bit already today and it really bugged me that a piece focusing on women in tech didn't feature actual women in tech or anyone from the many organizations working to close the gender gap. I know 60 Overtime features an interview with Bonnie Ross, a Microsoft corporate vice president, but I didn't even know Overtime existed and if you don't visit their website you won't see that feature because that's not what's shown in the actual nationalized TV program.
So when I saw the following piece from Reshma, founder of Girls Who Code, I found myself nodding along as I read. When I visit the Google campus, there a men every where, women not so much and you certainly don't want to get me started about hispanic women. Getting girls involved with STEAM and Computer Science isn't just about early exposure and early exposure isn't going to fix this problem at Google or other tech companies. It's about supporting and helping girls see themselves as a professional in that career.
This is something organizations like Girls Who Code and the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) do every day throughout our country. I've seen these programs change girls lives first hand. It's a shame 60 Minutes didn't share that story.
I encourage you to read Reshma's response to the article. Better yet, if you share the piece from 60 Minutes, share hers right along with it. #CSforALL
Erasing Women in Tech: How 60 Minutes Ignored Women’s Voices, Stories, and Expertise